First post - idea of the blog

I owe thanks to Rick Klau of Google for getting this blog going. I went to a panel in SF earlier today and he showed us how to do it. He also mentioned that blogs benefit from having a specific focus. I work as an editor and writer for the publications group at Gensler, a global design firm headquartered in SF. Although I'm trained as an architect and planner, I've always worked as a writer, first in marketing and then in communications. I've done this since 1972. Along with that, I published a journal of ideas on design (Design Book Review) and have also worked on a design webzine (LINE) that's about to relaunch as a blog. I'll be drawing on my continuing experience to comment on writing and editing as it relates to design. By that I mean architecture, interior design, retail design, graphic design, and planning, plus allied fields like structural engineering and construction. Because I have a day job, the posts will be episodic.


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