Blogs and hubris

A colleague commented today that blogs take too much time and in any case you have to be a narcissist to start one. This reminded me of the Roman penchant for valuing criticism because it counters hubris, thus forestalling the wrath of the gods. It also made me wonder about self-expression in general. Isn't it really a mix of motives? And self-expression seems hardwired. A point my colleague may be making is that effective communication benefits from considering the medium as well as the message. Established media (if operating effectively) provide an editorial filter that can strip out hubris before it hits the streets. Blogs, tweets, etc., don't do this. Another point may be that an audience is assumed, but isn't this also part of what makes us human? It gets wrapped up in ego, of course, but the impulse predates ego's construction (if I'm reading Donald Winnicott accurately).


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