The Sunday NYT shrinks
The NYT's public editor devoted his column today to the cost of the Sunday edition ($5 to $6) and its shrinkage (the Sunday magazine is now letter size, for example - too bad, because the old size was better). As a constant reader of the Times and two other papers (FT and WSJ), it's interesting to watch how they're evolving in their print and web versions. None of them have really worked it out. The Times' website is the best in covering the waterfront of what's actually in the paper. The others focus on the big stories. If Apple succeeds in delivering a Kindle-killer that makes it feasible to ditch print altogether (and pay to subscribe, I assume, to get full content as it's posted), this may finally let these "papers" stop printing and embrace a new format. What it looks like is still hard to imagine, but it's clear that there needs to be a way to pay the freight for content (including the architecture critics), or it will soon be amateur hour.
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